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Thursday, August 9, 2012

3D printed 'Magic Arms' give a little girl use of her limbs

3D printers as well as the whole additive manufacturing technology is adorable for it makes it quite easier to combine gadgets that were once bigger and used separately into one small gadget. But, in the event that you are going to move out of the ABS-jets are some companion cubes as well as a raptor claw, then there might not be a lot of hope for such the 3D technology. 

But it seems that this technology can be of great help to some people who are using it to make their lives better. For instance, there is a story of a 2 year old girl called Emma who was born with congenital disorder arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) – a disease that leaves the joint of a person blocked into a single position. Emma had her arms blocked in one position and she could not move them. Though there are prosthetics that can help people with such conditions, most of them are made from metal and therefore too heavy especially in a case like Emma’s who is only 25 pounds.

The doctors used a 3D printer from Stratasys to create customized, molded parts as well as a lightweight vest that Emma could use. This has enabled the 2 year old girl who had difficulty lifting her arms to play, feed herself as well as color. She is also growing quickly – as a result of printing the parts. She cannot fit in the first vest that was created for her, but her mother contacts the Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children every time that happens to have a new one made that can fit her.  In the event that a hinge breaks, a new vest will be delivered to her in a matter of hours.

Check out the following heartwarming  YouTube Video.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Human jobs that will be irreplaceable when robots rule the world

In the world right now everything is becoming automated and most human jobs are being replaced by robots. People want jobs to be done really fast at a lesser cost. Those are two reasons why a company will prefer robots to humans as long as the job is done efficiently. Have you ever wondered if your job is among those that will be taken over by robots? If you haven’t, you better give it a thought because with or without that job you have got to earn a living somehow, right?
Some people might be lucky enough to survive when robots take over because there are some jobs that cannot be done by robots. The following are some of them:

These are jobs that require understanding of human psyche, feelings and emotions and there is nothing that can do that job better than another human. Though an automated program can be made to ask someone questions like "Tell me how you are feeling today", and then come up with a predetermined answer according to studies that might have been conducted concerning human behavior, true empathy of a human being is something that can never be replaced by robots.

One might think that an obstetrician's job can be easily replaced by a robot, but if you interact with a midwife you will realize that when doing their job they do it with more of a personal connection. And by the way what kind of parent will give in to the idea of cold robots hands delivering their baby? 

General Practitioners
Since a general practitioner’s work involves diagnosis that relies not only on textbook logic, their work can be easily programmed using robot technology. But come to think of it, it will never work that way. Humans naturally need someone to talk to concerning their medical issues, someone that can listen to them and understand them. That is why some people have family doctors that understand them on a personal level.

Organic Farmers
This is one field of work that has been largely automated, but one thing you have to agree with me is that caring properly for plants as well as animals isn’t something that can be done by a robot.

Creative writing is not something that can be programmed. Although there have been recent reports by a scientific journal claiming that robot journalists are capable of reporting news efficiently as well as quickly basing on certain key words, when it comes to writing fiction stories, poetry and any other creative materials there is no way they can compare to real human experience and knowledge.

You can argue that it is possible for a robot to do artwork like using edge detection to sketch the face of a human. But it requires the real creativity as well as imagination of a human to be able to define the styles to use in the art.

Daycare Workers
Just like counseling, this is one job that requires human empathy and therefore I do not think any parent will agree with the idea of leaving their children with a sentry bot to watch over them while they are off working or doing business. And as it said, “Children learn by example”, and therefore leaving children with a robot that has got no manners for them to emulate will be a setback to their growth.

Robotic Engineers
Since robots will be on demand, it implies that there has to be someone who is creating and maintaining them and therefore the need for robot engineers.

If you live beyond 2045, chances of immortality are possible!

When we talk of immortality most of the time it is about fiction; what can only happen in the movies. Guess what! There is a Russian guy named Dmitry Itskov who has come up with the idea that there is a possibility of living forever. I mean, how is that even possible?  Well, he claims to have a plan called The 2045 Initiative which can be compared to the famous James Cameron’s Blockbuster, The Avatar. What the guy needs is just some billion bucks to make his project successful. I must say that I am so curious to see how this project goes.

Dmitry’s immortality project has a number of phases, with every phase being a step closer to the possibility of mankind living forever. The very first step in this process is targeted at creating robotic humans that can be under remote control. He plans to be through with this phase not later than 2020. By 2025, he talks of the possibility of transferring the human brain into the remote controlled robot to continue with life after death. Then by 2035, a separate brain for the robot will be constructed. When you are ready to end your human existence, your own personality will be “transferred” to that brain so that you will continue living. And then lastly, come 2045, mankind will have the ability to live in holographic avatars forever without any fear of death.

Dmitry’s immortality project has one biggest setback though. It is very expensive and therefore he needs a lot of financial assistance for it to be successful. He is asking the wealthiest people of the world to help him get the funds and in return help every person that will donate on their quest for immortality.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

An Internet Map? This is just too awesome.

If you have been having trouble finding sites on the internet then your troubles might have just come to an end for someone just came up with an internet map. If you have got real stuff to do though, the internet map might be one cool time waster to you which can as well turn you into a mindless page surfer for as long as you live. 

The internet map consists of the most popular 350,000 websites from all areas around the world that have been categorized based on the country they are from as well as the genre they fall in. If the popularity of a site is very high then its dot on the internet map will be larger. Some of the sites that have the largest dots on the internet map include the heavy weights like Google, Facebook and Yahoo. You can as well just have fun exploring the smaller dots when you are on the internet map. Some of those sites with smaller dots are interesting too. Another thing you can do is search for a unique website and then locate its virtual neighborhood so that you can have access to other sites close to it.

The algorithm used by the internet map to determine where each site should be placed is pretty complex. It was created by a Russian guy called Ruslan Enikeev who was came up with it as a non-commercial labor of love. You can visit the map and have a look at it. It looks pretty cool!