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Thursday, August 2, 2012

If you live beyond 2045, chances of immortality are possible!

When we talk of immortality most of the time it is about fiction; what can only happen in the movies. Guess what! There is a Russian guy named Dmitry Itskov who has come up with the idea that there is a possibility of living forever. I mean, how is that even possible?  Well, he claims to have a plan called The 2045 Initiative which can be compared to the famous James Cameron’s Blockbuster, The Avatar. What the guy needs is just some billion bucks to make his project successful. I must say that I am so curious to see how this project goes.

Dmitry’s immortality project has a number of phases, with every phase being a step closer to the possibility of mankind living forever. The very first step in this process is targeted at creating robotic humans that can be under remote control. He plans to be through with this phase not later than 2020. By 2025, he talks of the possibility of transferring the human brain into the remote controlled robot to continue with life after death. Then by 2035, a separate brain for the robot will be constructed. When you are ready to end your human existence, your own personality will be “transferred” to that brain so that you will continue living. And then lastly, come 2045, mankind will have the ability to live in holographic avatars forever without any fear of death.

Dmitry’s immortality project has one biggest setback though. It is very expensive and therefore he needs a lot of financial assistance for it to be successful. He is asking the wealthiest people of the world to help him get the funds and in return help every person that will donate on their quest for immortality.


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