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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Human jobs that will be irreplaceable when robots rule the world

In the world right now everything is becoming automated and most human jobs are being replaced by robots. People want jobs to be done really fast at a lesser cost. Those are two reasons why a company will prefer robots to humans as long as the job is done efficiently. Have you ever wondered if your job is among those that will be taken over by robots? If you haven’t, you better give it a thought because with or without that job you have got to earn a living somehow, right?
Some people might be lucky enough to survive when robots take over because there are some jobs that cannot be done by robots. The following are some of them:

These are jobs that require understanding of human psyche, feelings and emotions and there is nothing that can do that job better than another human. Though an automated program can be made to ask someone questions like "Tell me how you are feeling today", and then come up with a predetermined answer according to studies that might have been conducted concerning human behavior, true empathy of a human being is something that can never be replaced by robots.

One might think that an obstetrician's job can be easily replaced by a robot, but if you interact with a midwife you will realize that when doing their job they do it with more of a personal connection. And by the way what kind of parent will give in to the idea of cold robots hands delivering their baby? 

General Practitioners
Since a general practitioner’s work involves diagnosis that relies not only on textbook logic, their work can be easily programmed using robot technology. But come to think of it, it will never work that way. Humans naturally need someone to talk to concerning their medical issues, someone that can listen to them and understand them. That is why some people have family doctors that understand them on a personal level.

Organic Farmers
This is one field of work that has been largely automated, but one thing you have to agree with me is that caring properly for plants as well as animals isn’t something that can be done by a robot.

Creative writing is not something that can be programmed. Although there have been recent reports by a scientific journal claiming that robot journalists are capable of reporting news efficiently as well as quickly basing on certain key words, when it comes to writing fiction stories, poetry and any other creative materials there is no way they can compare to real human experience and knowledge.

You can argue that it is possible for a robot to do artwork like using edge detection to sketch the face of a human. But it requires the real creativity as well as imagination of a human to be able to define the styles to use in the art.

Daycare Workers
Just like counseling, this is one job that requires human empathy and therefore I do not think any parent will agree with the idea of leaving their children with a sentry bot to watch over them while they are off working or doing business. And as it said, “Children learn by example”, and therefore leaving children with a robot that has got no manners for them to emulate will be a setback to their growth.

Robotic Engineers
Since robots will be on demand, it implies that there has to be someone who is creating and maintaining them and therefore the need for robot engineers.


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